Welcome to the Charlottesville Low-Income Housing Coalition

We are a coalition of residents and community-based organizations standing against displacement
and for increased affordable housing for very low-income people.

Learn more

Call to Action:

Our goal is to undo the racism caused by land use and housing policy for the last two centuries by ensuring the Charlottesville City Council:  

  • Upzones historically exclusionary neighborhoods near essential resources and incentivizes development of affordable housing,

  • Incorporates anti-displacement zoning codes to preserve culture and prevent uprooting Black people from city neighborhoods and

  • Enacts the strongest possible mandatory inclusionary zoning ordinance.

Currently Charlottesville is considering a zoning rewrite that would support some of these objectives but does not go far enough. We need your help to oppose band-aid solutions and to overshadow NIMBY voices (people who say “Not In My Back Yard) who say there is not a housing problem in our community.

You can learn more by checking out the City of Charlottesville’s website on the plan and this excellent op-ed by Carmelita Wood.


CLIHC released two Housing Reports to show the racist effect of current and past housing policies and to share our recommendations. A third report will be released this summer.

Click here to Read the MOST RECENT report!