Formed in January 2017, the Charlottesville Low-Income Housing Coalition (CLIHC) is a group of organizations and individuals who are deeply concerned about the affordable housing crisis in the city of Charlottesville.

CLIHC engages in the following activities:

1)    We advocate for the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle to demonstrate a commitment to racial and economic justice through increased affordable housing, a more diligent community engagement process, investment in underrepresented communities, and a fair and equitable zoning code.

2)    We provide oversight on ongoing activities in the City of Charlottesville pertaining to affordable housing issues, most especially the Planning Commission, Housing Advisory Committee (HAC), Comprehensive Plan and Zoning re-write.

3)    We build coalitions between community groups to continue to work toward affordable housing and racial and economic justice in Charlottesville.